Saturday, September 15, 2012

Waiting and Watching

The ladies who cleaned out the butterfly garden  found an egg cluster which they said would turn out to be a Praying Mantis someday. Being the wonderful researchers that we are, we promptly went on the internet to find out about the life cycle of the Mantis. We found out the Mantis eggs hatch in the spring and there could be anywhere from about ten babies to 400! So.....if the ladies are correct and this IS a Mantis egg cluster, we will be waiting and watching for quite a while!

Praying Mantis Egg Cluster

We have finished chapters one and two of our math book and are on to chapter three. In chapter three we are reviewing subtraction and the math vocabulary for subtraction. Ask your child if they know what a number sentence is, where to find the minus sign and where to find the difference. Yesterday we did partner practice. Each set of partners used a dry erase board to model a subtraction story told by the other partner. They also had to write the number sentence and find the difference. 

Modeling Subtraction Stories